PhoneGap is a platform for building mobile application using Web technologies: HTML, CSS and Javascript. Mobile platforms like Android, iPhone or Blackberry are not ready yet to manage such application, that is why PhoneGap is filling in the gap by providing a plugin system to use native call through Javascript.
This is very interesting platform because there is a global movement between Web technologies interacting with mobile, smartphone, … You know: HTML5, CSS3, Boot 2 Gecko (see also: B2G Wiki), Apache Cordova, SOCIETIES project, …
To resume, PhoneGap is providing:
- a PhoneGap Builder: a way to embed an HTML, CSS, Javascript web application into a mobile application (Android, iPhone, Blackberry and others)
- a PhoneGap API: native PhoneGap plugins (see next point) to access:
- Javascript standard APIs not yet available on mobile platform (e.g. HTML5 WebSocket *, …)
- well-known controls and actions on mobile device not (totally) yet defined as standards (e.g. Access the contact list, make a call, …)
PhoneGap is an open source project recently lead by Adobe and incubated by the Apache Cordova project. Therefore, PhoneGap may be renamed Cordova in the near future, who knows? 😉
Ping : PhoneGap Plugin System - 30 minutes par jour