PhoneGap: first overview

Publié dans HTML et CSS | Marqué avec , , , , , ,

PhoneGap is a platform for building mobile application using Web technologies: HTML, CSS and Javascript. Mobile platforms like Android, iPhone or Blackberry are not ready yet to manage such application, that is why PhoneGap is filling in the gap by providing a plugin system to use native call through Javascript.
This is very interesting platform because there is a global movement between Web technologies interacting with mobile, smartphone, … You know: HTML5, CSS3, Boot 2 Gecko (see also: B2G Wiki), Apache Cordova, SOCIETIES project, …

To resume, PhoneGap is providing:

  • a PhoneGap Builder: a way to embed an HTML, CSS, Javascript web application into a mobile application (Android, iPhone, Blackberry and others)
  • a PhoneGap API: native PhoneGap plugins (see next point) to access:
    • Javascript standard APIs not yet available on mobile platform (e.g. HTML5 WebSocket *, …)
    • well-known controls and actions on mobile device not (totally) yet defined as standards (e.g. Access the contact list, make a call, …)
  • a PhoneGap Plugin system to enlarge Javascript possibilities by using native call. Aa set of PhoneGap plugin is already available

PhoneGap is an open source project recently lead by Adobe and incubated by the Apache Cordova project. Therefore, PhoneGap may be renamed Cordova in the near future, who knows? 😉

One Response to PhoneGap: first overview

  1. Ping : PhoneGap Plugin System - 30 minutes par jour

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